“A human being is part of the whole, called by us “universe”, a part limited in time and space. We experience ourselves, our thoughts and feelings as something separate from the rest. A kind of optical delusion of consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from the prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty… We shall require a substantially new manner of thinking if mankind is to survive.” — Albert Einstein

Friday, October 24, 2008

Just a Teaser

The problem with waiting so long in between blogs is that now there is so much to say it is a little overwhelming; I don't know where to start. The same thing happens with studying; if I let it go to far, it becomes overwhelming and as a result I get less done. So I guess I should study now. But first, a quick update. Just to touch on the Med School life, everything is going along well, although the end of first quarter is coming into sight instilling both excitement and fear into the hearts of all of us. Or at least me. This quarter so far has been a bit of a relief after the first five weeks of intense study. Not that there isn't plenty to do, but there is a little time for other things, as I mentioned before. But there is a fine balance between studying all the time, and falling behind, which is not a good idea. This quarters genetics, developmental biology, the odd assortment of classes collectively known as "Practice of Medicine", and the continuation of anatomy are moving along, and days turn to weeks turn to months, and I don't update my blog. Sorry. I'm still here, and life is still good.

Moving past classes, there have been three big events since I last wrote. One was Moonlighting, a sort of Medical School Prom. A chance to dress up and go out. It was held at the San Jose Museum of Art which I think was just a step above prom at the Elks Lodge (not that we didn't do an amazing job decorating around all the mounted animal heads). Interestingly, I think that high school prom was actually the last dance I attended, and to save you from doing the math, that was eight years ago. yeah. I have been out of High School for eight years. Is anyone planning our tenth reunion? Anyway, I had a blast. I did have a date, or two actually. Luz (whom you have heard about before) and Megan (Luz's amazing friend from Duke Law who was visiting for the week), and we danced the night away.

The second big event is that I got to go home and see Iris! It was a last minute decision, and I didn't tell anyone on purpose because it was such a brief visit, so if you live in Seattle please don't feel that I snubbed you personally. I just came in to help Bjorn and Suzanne out with two days of childcare (and have two full days of alone time with my niece) before Bjorn went on paternity leave. I had to miss a little school, and I didn't get a whole lot done, but it was definitely worth it. It is still kind of surreal to know that Bjorn and Suzanne have a beautiful baby girl and that she is my niece. Before I know it she will be walking and talking and I hate to be missing it. But last weekend I got to change a few diapers, feed her, sing to her, watch her smile, hear her giggle, and hold and love this irresistible bundle of joy.

And the third event. Well you probably know. OBABMA!!!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

hmm, my 10 year reunion is this summer, and you were only a year behind me so I think 8 years is a slight underestimate, though I guess you have until June or so before it's a full 9 years.